Who am I ?

Image of Erwan Le Bihan, owner of the website, as a pixel art.

Hello ! My name is Erwan Le Bihan, I am 29,52 and I am an IT developer and engineer living in Rouen, but an artist above all else. I am passionate about technology and art since childhood and notably by video game creation, even if I recently went interested by web and apps development. I consider programming as an art of its own, and what I want above all else is to like what I do - My philosophy is to always listen my heart when making professional choices and personal projects.

What about programming ?

The levels represent my ease with the corresponding technology

Java (+Play Framework, Spring)

HTML/CSS/JS (+Bootstrap, jQuery)

Golang (+Gin)

Kotlin (+Spring)

C# (+Unity)

Shell (+Scripting Bash)

PHP (+Laravel)

C++ (+Qt)

C (+SDL)

Professional qualities

My qualities in a working environment

Objective vision

Sharing of ideas


Adaptation skills

Lone worker & Team worker


My professional experience
Download my resume here !


ROUEN | 01/09/19 - 01/05/2024

First web developer of the Eyeneed company in Rouen (website previously worked on by Coaxys, a development company from Mont Saint Aignan). Project management, work in full autonomy. Web development using Play Framework, a productivity framework for Java; development of crucial features of all types, and data-fetching. In charge of deployments, developers' recruitments, crisis solving, and technical support, using a support email address and processing server operations when needed. Discovery of the code reviews using Gitlab, of test-driven development, and of SEO rules to enhance a website positioning. Creation of a software, using GO, to export anonymized data for it to be directed to an external AI analysis tool. Development of the link between Eyeneed and the first tele-ophtalmology cabins in France (Doctovue). Creation of vectorial images/animations to use on the website.


MONT ST AIGNAN | 04/12/18 - 31/05/19

Embedded C++ development on a flying catamaran using foils. The goal was to position the foils, using the program, depending on many environment variables and two modes : manual or automatic. Travels to Corsica to mount the boat and test the program in real conditions. Decision-making in what sensors we needed to buy.


ROUEN | 29/01/18 - 20/07/18

3D and VR serious games software development using Unity for Windows and Android. Exponent on Laval Virtual and IN Normandy tech events; Market study about VR and AR. Discovery of the GO language.


MAASTRICHT | 20/10/16 - 22/02/17

Development of Viaflats, a real estate website. Discovery of jQuery and creation of a system of research by criteria and an availability management system.


MONT ST AIGNAN | 16/02/16 - 13/05/16

Development of the WePetsitty marketplace in Neoma's incubator. Discovery of Laravel and Bootstrap and development of a messaging system, a payment solution and a research feature. Great customer relationship.


ROUEN | 04/05/15 - 17/07/15

C++ Development of a surgery study software, development of PHP scripts, discovery of the versioning with SVN Tortoise, and the start-up environment in general.


LOS ANGELES | 15/09/14 - 23/11/14

Work on the company's platform, bash scripts development, datacenter visit, study of softwares (puppet, ansible, chef) to be acquired by the company.